India - Annual Survey of Industries: 2013-14
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-2013-14 |
Year | 2014 - 2015 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) |
Sponsor(s) | Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Nov 04, 2016
Last modified
Nov 21, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: blkf201314
Content | Block - F Other Expenses : (All the items are Expenditure incurred in Rs.) This block includes the cost of other inputs as both the industrial and nonindustrial service rendered by others, which are paid by the factory and most of which are reflected in the ex-factory value of its production during the accounting year. Variables in this block are: YR, DSL, work done by others, repair & maintenance of building, Repair & maintenance of fixed assets, operating expenses, non-operating expenses, Insurance charges, Rent paid for plant & machinary and other fixed assets, Total expenses, Rent paid for buildings, Rent/Royalties, Interest paid and Purchase value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased. |
Cases | 51007 |
Variable(s) | 15 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Year (Year), DSL (DSL) |
Producer | CSO (IS Wing) Kolkata |
Name | Label | Question | |
Year | Year | ASI 2013-14 is the accounting year of the factory ending on 31st March 2014. | |
BLK | Block | Block F of the schedule | |
DSL | DSL | Despatch Serial Number | |
workdoneby | Work done by others | ||
Rep_Maint_buldg | Repair and Manintenance of Building & other construction | ||
Rep_Maint__oth_fixed_asset | Repair and Maintenance of other fixed assets | ||
op_expenses | Operating Expenses | Operating Expenses | |
Non_operating_exp | Non-operating expenses | Non Operating Expenses | |
Ins_Charges | Insurance charges | Insurance Charges | |
Rent_paid_PM_fixedassets | Rent paid for plant & Machinery and other Fixed Assets | Rent paid for Plant & Machinery and other Fixed Assets. | |
Total_Expenses | Total Expenses | Total Expenses | |
Rent_bldg | Rent paid for buidings | The rent paid for hiring the building. | |
Rent_land_lease_royalities | Rent paid for land on lease or royalties on mines, quarries etc,., | Rent paid for land on lease or royalties on mines, quarries and similar assets. | |
Interest_paid | Interest Paid | Interest Paid | |
Pur_val_goods | Purchase value of goods sold im yje same condition as purchased | Purchase value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased | |
Total variable(s):
15 |