India - Common Property Resources, Sanitation Hygiene Services: NSS 54th Round, Schedule 31, January 1998 - June 1998
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-54Rnd-Sch31-Jan1998-June1998 |
Year | 1998 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 11, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
Page views
- Blocks 1,3_Identific
ation of sample hous
ehold & househol
d characteristics - Block 4_Particulars
of commuting done by
household members - Block 5_Drinking wat
er - Block 5_Sanitation a
nd hygiene - Block 6_Access to an
d use of communicati
on and other facilit
ies - Block 7_Details of o
vernight stay journe
ys undertaken by hou
sehold members durin
g last 60 days - Block 8_Use of land
resources in last 36
5 days - Block 9_Use of water
resources in last 3
65 days - Block 10_Average col
lection, consumption
and sale of fuelwoo
d and fodder - Block 11_Collection
of selected items fr
om common land and f
orest land during la
st 365 days - Blocks 12, 13_Genera
l information on use
s of common land res
ources and on cultiv
ation by the househo
ld - Block 14_Some partic
ulars of cultivation
during 1997-98 (fiv
e major crops)
Variable Groups
total expenditure on transport - Rs
File: Block 7_Details of overnight stay journeys undertaken by household members during last 60 days
File: Block 7_Details of overnight stay journeys undertaken by household members during last 60 days
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-127000 | Valid cases: 27076 Invalid: 1840 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 127000 Mean: 142.9 Standard deviation: 1186.9 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
How much total expenditure was incurred on transport?
Interviewer instructions
This will include passenger transport expenditure incurred in all the stages of the journey, but will exclude porter charges and all charges for transportation of goods.
(I) The entry will be in whole number of rupees; “00” is printed in the “paise” sub-column of the schedule to remind the investigator that paise figures one not to be recorded
(ii) Expenses incurred will be included regardless of whether they are subsidized (or reimbursed) by the employer.
(iii) All expenditure incurred on the services of travel agents for passenger transport arrangements (but not food, accommodation etc.) will be included.
(iv) For package tours where a lump sum payment is made which includes travel expenses, board and/or lodging, the transport charges have to be separated out according to the informant's best judgment and recorded in col. 11.
(v) Amount payable will be recorded even if not yet paid
(I) The entry will be in whole number of rupees; “00” is printed in the “paise” sub-column of the schedule to remind the investigator that paise figures one not to be recorded
(ii) Expenses incurred will be included regardless of whether they are subsidized (or reimbursed) by the employer.
(iii) All expenditure incurred on the services of travel agents for passenger transport arrangements (but not food, accommodation etc.) will be included.
(iv) For package tours where a lump sum payment is made which includes travel expenses, board and/or lodging, the transport charges have to be separated out according to the informant's best judgment and recorded in col. 11.
(v) Amount payable will be recorded even if not yet paid