India - Debt and Investment, NSS 59th Round, Schedule 18.2, January - December 2003
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-59Rnd-Sch18pt2-Jan-Dec2003 |
Year | 2003 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 01, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Visit 1_Blocks 1&
;2_Identification of
sample household - Visit 1_Block 3_Hous
ehold characteristic
s - Visit 1_Block 4_demo
graphic and other pa
rticulars of househo
ld members - Visit 1_Block 5_land
owned by the househ
old as on the date o
f survey and related
transactions during
01-07-2002 to date
of survey - Visit 1_Block 6 part
1_buildings and oth
er constructions own
ed by the household
on date of survey an
d related transactio
ns during 01-07-2002
to date of survey - Visit 1_Block 6 part
2_buildings and oth
er constructions own
ed by the household
on date of survey an
d related transactio
ns during 01-07-2002
to date of survey - Visit 1_Block 7_live
stock and poultry ow
ned by the household
on the date of surv
ey and related trans
actions during 01-07
-2002 to date of sur
vey - Visit 1_Block 8_agri
cultural machinery a
nd implement owned b
y the household as o
n the date of survey
and related transac
tions - Visit 1_Block 9_non-
farm business equipm
ent owned by the hou
sehold as on date of
survey and related
transactions - Visit 1_Block 10_tra
nsport equipment own
ed by the household
as on the date of su
rvey and related tna
nsactions - Visit 1_Block 11_dur
able assets owned by
the household as on
the date of survey
and related transact
ions - Visit 1_Block 12_sha
res & debentures
owned by the househ
old in co operative
societies & comp
anies as on the date
of survey and relat
ed transactions - Visit 1_Block 13_fin
ancial assets other
than shares & de
bentures owned by th
e household as on th
e date of survey and
related transaction
s - Visit 1_Block 14_cas
h loans and kind loa
ns receivable by hou
sehold against diffe
rent securities or h
eads on the date of
survey and related t
ransactions - Visit 1_Block 15pt1_
number of cash loans
of the household ou
tstanding as on date
of survey and numbe
r of loans fully rep
aid or written off - Visit 1_Block 15pt2
part 1_particulars o
f cash loans payable
by the household to
institutional or no
n-institutional agen
cies as on the date
of survey and transa
ctions of loans - Visit 1_Block 15pt2
part 2_particulars o
f cash loans payable
by the household to
institutional or no
n-institutional agen
cies as on the date
of survey and transa
ctions of loans - Visit 1_Block 16_kin
d loans and other li
abilities payable by
the household - Visit 1_Block 17pt1_
specified items on w
hich household incur
red expenditure - Visit 1_Block 17pt2_
expenditure incurred
by the household on
specified items - Visit 1_Block 18_Par
ticulars of sale and
loss of assets duri
ng 01-07-2002 to 31-
12-2002 - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Blocks 1&2_
Identification of sa
mple household - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 3_Househo
ld characteristics - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 4_demogra
phic and other parti
culars of household
members - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 5_land ow
ned by the household
as on the date of s
urvey and related tr
ansactions during 01
-07-2002 to date of
survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 6 part 1_
buildings and other
constructions owned
by the household on
date of survey and r
elated transactions
during 01-07-2002 to
date of survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 6 part 2_
buildings and other
constructions owned
by the household on
date of survey and r
elated transactions
during 01-07-2002 to
date of survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 7_livesto
ck and poultry owned
by the household on
the date of survey
and related transact
ions during 01-07-20
02 to date of survey - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 8_agricul
tural machinery and
implement owned by t
he household as on t
he date of survey an
d related transactio
ns - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 9_non-far
m business equipment
owned by the househ
old as on date of su
rvey and related tra
nsactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 10_transp
ort equipment owned
by the household as
on the date of surve
y and related tnansa
ctions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 11_durabl
e assets owned by th
e household as on th
e date of survey and
related transaction
s - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 12_shares
& debentures ow
ned by the household
in co operative soc
ieties & compani
es as on the date of
survey and related
transactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 13_financ
ial assets other tha
n shares & deben
tures owned by the h
ousehold as on the d
ate of survey and re
lated transactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 14_cash l
oans and kind loans
receivable by househ
old against differen
t securities or head
s on the date of sur
vey and related tran
sactions - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 15pt1_num
ber of cash loans of
the household outst
anding as on date of
survey and number o
f loans fully repaid
or written off - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 15pt2 par
t 1_particulars of c
ash loans payable by
the household to in
stitutional or non-i
nstitutional agencie
s as on the date of
survey and transacti
ons of loans - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 15pt2 par
t 2_particulars of c
ash loans payable by
the household to in
stitutional or non-i
nstitutional agencie
s as on the date of
survey and transacti
ons of loans - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 16_kind l
oans and other liabi
lities payable by th
e household - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 17pt1_spe
cified items on whic
h household incurred
expenditure - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 17pt2_exp
enditure incurred by
the household on sp
ecified items - Visit 1 & 2 Comb
ined_Block 18_Partic
ulars of sale and lo
ss of assets during
01-07-2002 to 31-12-
Variable Groups
Written off - 01.07.02 to 30.09.03 (Rs.)(B15_2_q17)
File: Visit 1_Block 15pt2 part 2_particulars of cash loans payable by the household to institutional or non-institutional agencies as on the date of survey and transactions of loans
File: Visit 1_Block 15pt2 part 2_particulars of cash loans payable by the household to institutional or non-institutional agencies as on the date of survey and transactions of loans
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-125000 | Valid cases: 342 Invalid: 96945 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 125000 Mean: 8255.2 Standard deviation: 17748.1 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
How much loan amount was written off during 01.07.02 to 30.09.03?
Interviewer instructions
Sometimes to provide debt relief to farmers and others, the government agencies, banks etc., exempt the households from repaying a loan fully or partly and consider such loans cleared up under its debt relief programme. If such exemption of debt repayment is granted during the periods mentioned in the column headings of cols.(17) to (19), the total amount (including interest) so written off will be recorded in the appropriate column, depending upon the date of such exemption.