India - Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition : NSS 69th Round, Schedule 1.2, July 2012- December 2012
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-69Rnd-Sch1dot2-2012 |
Year | 2014 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 05, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Block - 1 Identifica
tion of sample house
hold - level 1 - Block - 3 Household
characteristics - le
vel 2 - Block - 3 Household
characteristics - le
vel 3 - Block - 4 Particular
s of living faciliti
es - drinking water,
bathroom, sanitatio
n etc - level 4 - Block - 5 housing ch
aracteristics and mi
cro environment - le
vel 5 - Block - 6 Pariculars
of the dwelling - l
evel 6 - Block - 7 some gener
al particulars of th
e households - level
7 - Block - 2 Particular
s of field operation
s - level 8
Data Description
Data File: Block - 4 Particulars of living facilities - drinking water, bathroom, sanitation etc - level 4
Content | Block 4 will be used for recording the particulars of living facilities, such as principal source of drinking water, sufficiency of drinking water from principal source, facility of bathroom, access to bathroom, access to latrine, type of latrine, problems of flies/mosquitoes, specific types of illness of household members during last 30 days, availability of electricity for domestic use, etc. |
Cases | 95548 |
Variable(s) | 75 |
Producer | NSSO |
Name | Label | Question | |
Centre_Round | Centre_Round | ||
FSU_Serial_No | of sample village/block | ||
Round | Round number | ||
Sch_no | Schedule number | ||
Sample | Sample | ||
Sector | Sector | ||
State_region | State_region | ||
District | District | ||
Stratum | Stratum | ||
Sub_Stratum_No | Sub-Stratum | ||
Sub_Round | Sub-Round | ||
Sub_Sample | Sub-Sample | ||
FOD_Sub_region | FOD Sub-region | ||
Hg_sb_no | sample hg/sb number | ||
Stage2Stratum | second-stage stratum | ||
Hhold_No | sample household number | ||
Level | Level | ||
b4_q1 | Principal source of drinking water | ||
b4_q2 | Whether drinking water sufficient | whether availability of drinking water from the principal source is sufficient throughout the year? (yes-1, no-2) | |
b4_q3_1 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Jan | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_2 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Feb | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_3 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Mar | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_4 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Apr | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_5 | Insufficiency of drinking water-May | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_6 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Jun | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_7 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Jul | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_8 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Aug | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_9 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Sep | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_10 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Oct | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_11 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Nov | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q3_12 | Insufficiency of drinking water-Dec | if code 2 in item 2, during which calendar months of the year availability of drinking water was not sufficient? (record '1' against the applicable month(s) and rest of the months to be left blank). | |
b4_q4 | Access to principal source of drinking water | ||
b4_q5 | Distance to the principal source of drinking water | ||
b4_q6 | Who fetches drinking water | if codes 3 to 7 in item 5, who fetches drinking water? | |
b4_q7 | Time taken in a day(in minutes) | if codes 3 to 7 in item 5 and codes 1 to 4 in item 6 , time taken, in a day, to reach the source of drinking water and back(in minutes). | |
b4_q8 | Waiting time in a day (in minutes) | if codes 3 to 7 in item 5 and codes 1 to 4 in item 6, waiting time, in a day, at the source of drinking water (in minutes) | |
b4_q9 | Quality of drinking water | Quality of drinking water from the principal source | |
b4_q10 | Is there stagnant water around source | if codes 04 to 07 in item 1, is there stagnant water around the source of drinking water (yes-1, no-2) | |
b4_q11 | Supplementary source of drinking water | ||
b4_q12 | Method of treatment | Method of treatment of drinking water by the household. | |
b4_q13 | Material of the main container | Material of the main container in which drinking water is stored. | |
b4_q14 | How drinking water is taken out from main container | for entry 01 to 09, in item 13, How drinking water is taken out from main container ? | |
b4_q15 | Principal source of water excluding drinking | Principal source of water for all household activities excluding drinking (viz. cooking, washing, bathing , etc.) | |
b4_q16 | Whether gets sufficient water | Whether the household gets sufficient water throughout the year for all household activities (viz. drinking, cooking, washing, bathing etc.) (yes-1, no-2)? | |
b4_q17 | Frequency of supply of water | for entry 02, 03 and 04 in either item 1, 11 or 15, frequency of supply of water. | |
b4_q18 | Whether water is metered | for entry 02 and 03 in either item 1, 11 or 15, whether water is metered(yes-1, no-2) | |
b4_q19_1 | Whether water charges paid | water charges paid (payable) per month to the delivery agency/organisation/office. | |
b4_q19_2 | Average amount paid per month(Rs.) | for entry 1 and 2 in item 19.1, average amount paid per month('). | |
b4_q20 | Facility of bathroom | ||
b4_q21 | Access to bathroom | for code 1 and 2 in item 20, access to bathroom. | |
b4_q22 | Distance from the bathing place | ||
b4_q23 | Access to latrine | ||
b4_q24 | Type of latrine | for codes 1,2,3,4 or 9 in item 23, type of latrine | |
b4_q25 | Reason for not using latrine | for code 10 in item 24, reason for not using latrine | |
b4_q26_1 | Male of age below 15 years | Whether all household members of categories specified in items 26.1 to 26.4 are using latrine(yes-1 , no-2, not applicable - 3) | |
b4_q26_2 | Male of age 15 years and above | Whether all household members of categories specified in items 26.1 to 26.4 are using latrine(yes-1 , no-2, not applicable - 3) | |
b4_q26_3 | Female of age below 15 years | Whether all household members of categories specified in items 26.1 to 26.4 are using latrine(yes-1 , no-2, not applicable - 3) | |
b4_q26_4 | Female of age 15 years and above | Whether all household members of categories specified in items 26.1 to 26.4 are using latrine(yes-1 , no-2, not applicable - 3) | |
b4_q27 | Whether hhd faced problem of flies/mosquities during last 365 days | Whether the household faced problem of flies/mosquitoes during last 365 days (yes : severe -1, moderate - 2, no - 3) | |
b4_q28 | Whether effort made by Local Bodies | Whether any effort was made by the Local Bodies/State Government during last 365 days to tackle problems of flies/mosquitoes (yes - 1, no - 2, not known - 3) | |
b4_q29 | Whether effort made by hhd | Whether any effort was made by the Local Bodies/State Government during last 365 days to tackle problems of flies/mosquitoes (yes - 1, no - 2, not applicable - 3) | |
b4_q30_1 | Stomach problem | Whether any of the household member(s) suffered from the types of illness specified in items 30.1 to 30.4 during last 30 days. (yes-1,no-2) | |
b4_q30_2 | Malaria | Whether any of the household member(s) suffered from the types of illness specified in items 30.1 to 30.4 during last 30 days. (yes-1,no-2) | |
b4_q30_3 | Skin disease | Whether any of the household member(s) suffered from the types of illness specified in items 30.1 to 30.4 during last 30 days. (yes-1,no-2) | |
b4_q30_4 | Fever due to disease other than malaria | Whether any of the household member(s) suffered from the types of illness specified in items 30.1 to 30.4 during last 30 days. (yes-1,no-2) | |
b4_q31 | Whether hhd has electricity | Whether the household has electricity for domestic use?(yes-1, no-2) | |
b4_q32 | Type of electric wiring | if code 1 in item 31, type of electric wiring (conduit wiring - 1, fixed to the walls - 2, temporary - 3) | |
SSC | SSC | ||
NSS | NSS | ||
NSC | NSC | ||
MLT | MLT | ||
State_code | State | ||
District_Code | District | ||
Key_hhold | Key to identify household | ||
Combined_Weight | Combined Weight | ||
Total variable(s):
75 |